

高中校长The heart of a Renbrook education is the meaningful relationships that develop between our accomplished and deeply committed faculty and our inspired and engaged students. 贯穿课程和每个年级, 伦布鲁克的学生成长为积极和好奇的读者, 清晰而老练的作家, 有能力和自信的自我倡导者. We believe that the foundation for success in secondary school is solidified in these all-important middle school years.

我们的高中, 由5-8年级组成, provides a rigorous and enriched program of academic excellence through our challenging and ever-evolving curriculum. 随着学生从童年进入青春期, they gain numerous opportunities for academic and social-emotional growth. 除了核心科目的英语, 数学, 科学, 人文学科, 和历史, 我们的学生学法语, 西班牙语, 或拉丁语. They also participate in music, athletics, service, and the visual and performing arts. But learning at Renbrook is not limited to the classroom; our ropes course, 森林, 小径, 体育领域, 还有栽培的花园, 提供安全保障, 多种多样的, 以及美丽的室外教室和学习实验室. 校园内有30多个已建立的空间, 户外学习在伦布鲁克比比皆是, 我们的学生茁壮成长!

Each grade in the 上学校 benefits from signature projects that "bring learning to life." Traditions like the daily 早上的会议 are uniquely Renbrook, kindling a collective sense of community and agency while providing ample opportunity for individual growth. 这些经历加强了公众演讲的技巧, 同伴的认可, 领导力发展创造自信, 足智多谋, 还有勇敢的伦布鲁克大学毕业生.

我很高兴你的家人在考虑伦布鲁克, 我欢迎你们来访时有机会进一步交谈.


吉姆是高中的校长. He made his way to West Hartford for the start of the 2003-04 school year by way of Alexandria, VA, 他在哪里教中学数学, 执教过两次校队运动, 并在圣. 斯蒂芬的 & St. 艾格尼丝的学校. He first became familiar with the benefits and outstanding qualities of a Renbrook education as the Director of Enrollment Management at Kingswood Oxford School, where he interviewed and developed relationships with numerous Renbrook families for admission. Reflecting on his early impressions of Renbrook students while working in admissions, Jim shared:

“伦布鲁克大学的学生以他们的风度脱颖而出, 学术准备, 自我意识, and remarkable involvement in their school and local communities!”

2015 - 23, Jim ran the academic summer program at Loomis Chaffee for students rising into grades 7-10. This mission-driven program provided enrichment to enthusiastic learners from all over the world. Jim also partnered with the faculty to embed a social-emotional learning and 领导人hip curriculum designed to increase students’ awareness of their best self and phenomenal capacity to impact the common good. 在这段时间内, Jim also completed a Master of 艺术 in Organizational Leadership at Gonzaga University and served on the 校董会 at an independent school that serves students in 学前教育 through Grade 8.


高年级学生是科学家, 作家, 数学家, 领导人, 设计师, 工程师, 历史学家, 运动员, 表演者, 伙伴, 朋友, 参与公民, 冒险家等等. Renbrook is a place where you will be encouraged to stretch, explore, and take flight. 



在澳博体育app举行的高年级早会我们从社区开始每一天. 由我们八年级的学生领导, 早上的会议 is a time to hear what’s going on around our busy campus. 无论是最近一场比赛的回顾, student presentations on a range of topics from service learning to celebrations of our diverse community, 拉丁文表演, 法语和西班牙语, 笑话, 或者一分钟取胜的游戏, 每个社区成员都有机会做出贡献, 培养自信和公共演讲技巧.   



高年级学生参与模拟最高法院你已经做了调查,提交了辩护状, now it’s time to deliver opening arguments in front of the Supreme Court. 在美国的学生.S. Government and Civics learn about the Constitution and branches of government through the study of primary sources, 时事, 案例研究, 模拟试验, 和辩论. Students hone their skills in writing and rhetoric by exploring answers to questions such as "Should we abolish the Filibuster?、“超级政治行动委员会在我们的选举中扮演什么角色??, 或“哪些因素影响移民政策。?"   



庭院里的晨间休息现在是上午休息时间! We acknowledge students need 多种多样的 blocks of learning and movement breaks, 所以学生们玩了一个Whiffle ball游戏, 与朋友聚聚, 与老师见面, 吃点健康的零食. 



Grade 6 math students build a town of homes to scale utilizing their math knowledgeMath students at Renbrook learn to apply mathematical concepts through real-world applications and projects. Whether they're creating structures from real architectural plans, measuring the height of buildings around campus using trigonometric functions, 制定预算和计算复利, 或者送娃娃蹦极, 数学在伦布鲁克带来学习生活! 



木工车间的额外帮助Following a healthy lunch and opportunities to connect with 朋友, 高年级学生过渡到WIN, 意思是“我需要什么?.” A time of day when every community member can focus on an area of academic or artistic growth, our students engage in service and enjoy time to play and recharge. WIN offerings are unique to each grade level and include extra help and review sessions, 音乐合奏排练, 在艺术和蒸汽室开放工作室时间, 学生会会议, 在根格拉斯家庭球场休息.  



在伦布鲁克池塘的七年级科学项目我们75英亩的校园是我们最美丽的教室, 它全年都在我们的科学课上使用. Students in Life Science track the changing seasons and life cycles of flora and fauna through their yearlong “Vantage Point Projects.“在他们在伦布鲁克的那段时间里, students learn about the natural world through the study of dendrology, 环境管理, 甚至创建一个鸟类的“生命列表”, starting with many who nest on campus including chimney swifts, 秃鹰, 还有我们学校的吉祥物, 红尾鹰.  



Middle school baseball players in a circle listening to the coach周一至周四下午2:00-4:00, 上学校 students participate in an hour-long study hall and an hour of athletics. Faculty-led study hall provides a dedicated time for students to focus on their homework or projects and to seek support from faculty, helping students develop these essential skills of time management and self-advocacy.

The 上学校 athletic program allows students to participate, 实践, 参加团队或非竞争性活动. 我们的课程为每个学生提供一些东西, whether it be non-competitive fun with 朋友 or a more competitive team sport. Students spend an hour each day engaged in the athletic program of their choice, 留出锻炼的时间, 性格发展, 技能发展.
